Now that everyone is a little caught up we are in the summer semester at BYU-I. Kylie is in her last semester on campus and Darren just has 2 more! We are enjoying the weather getting nicer and we both have our bikes out and riding every where. Darren is working on campus for an old teacher. He is working in the wood shop and loves it!
Another move is not too far away. We will be moving to Boise in August because Kylie is doing her student teacher there. She will be in a 4th grade class at Reagen Elementary school in Nampa. Darren will be doing an internship in Boise as well. The company does the concrete frame work for the new freeway they are doing. We are both excited to be getting done with school! Kylie will be walking in July, just a few short months away :)
We had some great friends Mike and Lyndsey (& Drake) just move away and they will be missed for sure :( Well, that is our life in a nutshell. The pictures below are just a few of what we have done in the last few days.
When we got out!
The group that went.
Burt the Blazer and Tyler's new Jeep.